Register your interest on the form below to initiate
the 3-step membership process

Step 1


Make an enquiry to find out more on the form below. We want to find out more about you, your business and your role. We will discuss your professional development and networking needs and assess your eligibility and compatibility for our Leadership Groups.

Step 2


Once we find a suitable group, we will invite you to apply to join Weave®. Your application will be reviewed by the Chair and members of your preferred Leadership Group to ensure there are no commercial conflicts. If for any reason there are, we will offer you a place in another suitable Leadership Group. It is important that we find your best fit to get maximum benefit for yourself and the Leadership Group you will join.

Step 3


Once your application has been accepted and membership confirmed you will begin to receive email communications including invites to your Leadership Group meetings, networking and social events and you can start to enjoy all the benefits of being a member of Weave®.